King dice cuphead blind box
King dice cuphead blind box

king dice cuphead blind box king dice cuphead blind box

Wheezy's name may be inspired by one of the weasels in Disney/Touchstone's 1988 hybrid film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. In later version like 1.1.3, the Simple Mode differences have been removed and would play like Regular Mode instead. He only have the default 100 health for his life bar. In the unused Simple Mode, he would never shoot fire ball or teleport, no cigarette bats would spawn either.

king dice cuphead blind box

Wheezy uses for his Death Screen taunt, "Looks like you could use some fresh air," is somewhat ironic, considering Mr. Mr Wheezy was one of the playable bosses in a build made for Clueless Gamer along with 7 other stages.Interestingly, their boss, King Dice, refers to himself as Mr. Chimes, can also be fought in All Bets Are Off!. Wheezy is one of two characters to be referred to with the title "Mr." in-game. Wheezy was going to disintegrate or split in half upon having his health drained. He is also one of three bosses to be directly interacted with by King Dice, the others being Chips Bettigan and Hopus Pocus. Wheezy is the only boss from King Dice's fight that is outright punished by his boss for his failure, being stomped on by him. Wheezy's line also happens to be a reference to smoking in gambling establishments. Wheezy will start coughing and be crushed by King Dice's shoe. In Expert mode, cigarette bats fly up more rapidly. These cigarette bats cannot be disposed of, so you must dodge them. Players also have to watch out for cigarette bats which come out of the fiery ground below. In Expert mode, he spit out fireball more rapidly, the fireballs go faster, and he teleports faster. Wheezy teleports, he will be facing towards the player when he reappears, which means that the player will get trapped if they try to hide behind him. After a while, he will become dust and reform onto the another side, which prompts players to go to another ashtray while he is teleporting.

king dice cuphead blind box

Wheezy attacks by blowing fireballs out of his mouth at the players which travel in loop-de-loops. Wheezy is holding his head closer to King Dice who is lighting him with a lighter.

King dice cuphead blind box